1️⃣ Easy 300: Illusive Mind with Illusive Thoughts
This is an OSINT challenge that requires to use BeVigil to find the flag. As explained from the challenge above, there is an organization, CSP Bank whose data is available for sale from Dark Web. Using BeVigil, we have to retrace the steps made by Underground Intelligence Team to find the database credentials.
The fact is, this is my first time using BeVigil, I wasn't familiar with the tool until this challenge. Which is a challenge in itself already. But the good thing is the tool is easy to use, though I might waste a minute or two with data overload and too many ideas. Then after a few tries, I paused and analyzed the challenge scenario once again. This leads me to different clues, particularly the most important one, "Unknown High Entropy String". Below are the steps I did which in return led me to the flag.
Based from the challenge description, I need to check the CSP Bank using BeVigil.
The challenge contains potential clues, one of them is the "Unknown High Entropy String". Upon checking the report of CSP Bank from BeVigil, I found the Unknown High Entropy String under the list of Issues -> Strings.
From the "Unknown High Entropy String" there are matched files listed, one of them is cspbank/constants.java. Upon reviewing the file, there are list of strings variables, one of them is a url with a JSON response.
I searched for Central Public Bank, then I got the following results
I then tried to decode the base64 data and found this new application: com.intl.cspcard I use Bevigil again and export all the strings from that application and found a hex string in the excel file.
I decoded the hex to strings and I got the following text below.
I got a random string, but I notice a { } symbol, and a word that is almost a BeVigil and similar to admin word. I tried to switch every 2 characters except for the first one.
C ol du ES _K eB iV ig -l d{ _b da im :n da im @n 89 }7
C lo ud SE K_ Be Vi gi l- {d b_ ad mi n: ad mi n@ 98 7}
The flag is : CloudSEK_BeVigil-{db_admin:admin@987}
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